Buyer Questionnaire Fill the form below as completely as possible. Buyer Questionnaire Are you currently working with another real estate agent? Yes NoAre you in an Exclusive Buyer Agency Contract with another Agent/Realtor? Yes NoContact InformationName:EmailPhone Number:AddressCityStateZip CodeGeneral QuestionsWhere do you want to buy property?Is there a specific area/subdivision/community that you'd prefer?How many members make up your family?Senior 55+ Yes NoAre you interested in 55+ Community? Yes NoIs there a specific school you'd prefer to live near? Yes NoIf yes, which school?Do you have any pets? Yes NoWhat Kind?Weight(s)How Many?Have you bought or sold a home in the past? Yes NoHow long ago?Where?Do you need to sell a property before you can purchase another? Yes No On MarketAre you currently in a lease? Yes NoIf yes, when does it expire?How soon do you need to be in a new home?Are you interested in a new construction, a resale home, or both? New Resale BothDo you or any member(s) of your family have any disabilities, conditions, or other circumstances that would require specific home features? Yes NoIf yes, which features do you or your family member(s) require?Financing and PricingHave you arranged for finance? Yes NoDo you need assistance in locating financing? Yes NoHave you been pre-approved, or otherwise informed as to what your maximum purchase amount is? Yes NoIf yes, what amount have you been pre-approved for?Date of pre-approval:If yes, will your financial company issue a pre-approval letter stating this amount? Yes NoDo you have enough funds in your account to cover earnest money (typically 1 percent of the purchase price)? Yes NoWhat is your source of funds for purchasing? Savings Retirement 401K OtherType what the other source of fund is here...What monthly payment range would you feel comfortable with?Will you require down payment assistance? Yes NoYour New HomeWhat type of home would you prefer? Single Family Townhouse CondoWhat price range?How many floors? Single Story Two Story No PreferenceHomeowner's Association (HOA)? Yes NoMaximum amount you want to spend on HOA?$Are stairs acceptable? Yes No# of Bedrooms# of BathroomsIs a master bathroom important to you? Yes NoIf yes, which would you prefer: 1/2 Bath Full BathWhat square footage do you prefer? Under 1,000 1,000 - 2,000 2,000 - 3,000 Over 3,000Open Floor Plan? Yes No No PreferenceAn office or study? Yes No No PreferenceFamily Room? Yes No No PreferenceDo you want a garage? Yes No No PreferenceIf yes, how many garage spaces? 1 2 3 4+ No PreferenceWhat size lot would you prefer? <1/4 Acre 1/4 to 1/2 Acre 1/2 Acre to 1 Acre >1 AcreAre there any other specific features that were not addressed in this questionnaire that you would like to be factored into your property search? I consent to have this website store my submitted information so they can respond to my inquiry. Submit Form